Hi, I’m Ayelet

I’m a mother of three, a teacher, and an accredited clinical herbalist. I help women find relief from peri-menopause symptoms using safe and effective herbal medicine, so they can feel empowered, regain control of their bodies, and improve their quality of life.

My path into the world of health and well-being stemmed from a childhood rich in family and cultural traditions, passed down through generations. My grandparents and my parents had gardens which produced most of the food they needed. We ate seasonal home cooked traditional food. My grandmothers taught me how to use food as medicine.

In today’s fast-paced world, many people have lost the connection to their body, to the earth, to plants, and to their health. It’s my mission to bridge that gap and reintroduce the power of nature into modern healing.

Get To The Root Of Your Health Issues

When my younger children were unwell and conventional treatment failed to work, I was led back to my roots. I needed to know what went wrong, why my kids suffered from gut issues, and why the treatment suggested was not working.

My search for a solution led me to explore naturopathy. This holistic approach—using food as medicine and natural supplements if needed—not only transformed my children's health but also reignited my passion for herbal medicine.

Before my deep dive into the world of herbal medicine, I was a language teacher for 8 years in Tel Aviv, Israel and 7 years in Sydney, Australia. These days I blend my love for education and healing as a registered clinical herbalist, ensuring every consultation is both enlightening and therapeutic for my clients.

I believe it’s important that we not only understand what is happening in our bodies, but also why it is happening and what we can do to support ourselves along the way.

An Educator’s Heart In Healing

My Approach

At the core of my practice is a belief in the body's innate ability to heal, given the right nourishment and care. I champion the use of real food, herbal medicine, nutritional supplements, and targeted pathology testing. Emphasising natural, sustainable, and ethical healthcare, I ensure our treatments align with nature's rhythm and leave a minimal footprint on the environment.

I deeply value the healing power of nutrient-dense, minimally processed foods and the age-old wisdom they carry. This philosophy extends to my product choices, where I prioritise natural, organic ingredients from sustainable sources, steering clear of endangered herbs and harmful chemicals.

The Challenges Of Perimenopause

The challenges of perimenopause are not mere clinical observations; they're deeply personal to me. My own journey through this period of transition was marked by dismissive advice and a glaring lack of understanding from mainstream medicine. This experience fueled my resolve to offer other women a more compassionate, informed, and holistic pathway.

Perimenopause isn't about "just getting old". It's a transformative phase that deserves respect, understanding, and personalised care and treatment plans.

My goal is to help my clients achieve optimal wellness through holistic herbal medicine and nutrition. Ready to get started?